Friday, September 11

Dialogue 1 (Introducing Yourself)

Read and listen (the link to the audio of this lesson can be found at the bottom of this post)

اسمك ايه؟
(ismak eih?)

A: حوار بين سامي و حسن و مها و سميا
7iwaar bein saamy, wi 7assan, wi maha, wi samya

سامي: انا اسمي سامي. و انت, اسمك ايه؟
saamy: Ana ismy saamy, w enta, ismak eih?

حسن: انا اسمي حسن, و انتي اسمك ايه؟
7assan: Ana ismy 7assan, w enty ismik eih?

مها: انا اسمي مها
maha: Ana ismy maha

سامي: و انتي كمان اسمك مها؟
samy: w enty kamaan ismik maha?

سمية: لا, انا اسمي سمية
samya: Laa, ana ismy samya

B: حوار بين سامي و مها
7iwaar bein saamy wi maha

سامي: ده مين يا مها؟
samy: da meen ya maha?

مها: ده طالب
maha: da Taalib

سامي: اسمه ايه؟
samy: ismo eih?

مها: اسمه حسن
maha: ismo 7assan

سامي: و دي مين يا مها؟
samy: wi di meen ya maha?

مها: دي طالبة
maha: di Taaliba

سامي: اسمها ايه؟
samy: ismaha eih?

مها: اسمها سمية
maha: ismaha samya

انت ايه؟
(enta eih?)

C: حوار بين مها و سمية
7iwaar bein maha wi samya

مها: هو سامي ده طالب يا سمية؟
maha: huwa saamy da Talib ya samya?

سمية: لا, ده مدرس
samya: laa, da mudarris

مها: و دي, هي دي طالبة؟
maha: wi di, hiya di Taaliba?

سمية: ايوه, دي طالبة
samya: aywa, di Taaliba

مها: هو حسن كمان مدرس؟
maha: huwa 7assan kamaan mudarris?

سمية: لا, ده مش مدرس, ده طالب
samya: la, da mish mudarris, da Taalib

هو موجود؟
(huwa mawgood?)

D: حوار بين سامي و سمية
7iwaar bein saamy wi samya

سامي: ده مين يا سمية؟
samy: da meen ya samya?

سمية: ده ابني سمير
samya: da ibny Sameer

سامي: و دي مين؟
samy: wi di meen?

سمية: دي بنتي ميرفت
samya: da benty mirvat

سامي: احمد جوزك موجود
saamy: a7mad goozak mawgood?

سمية: لا, ده مش موجود. ده مسافر اسكندرية
samya: laa, da mish mawgood. da msaafir iskandriyya

Vocabulary from this Lesson

بنتbentdaughter; girl
دهdathis; that (masc.)
ديdithis; that (fem.)
ابنيibnymy son
انتentayou (masc.)
انتيentyyou (fem.)
اسم - اسمه - اسمها - اسمك - اسمك - اسميism - ismo - ismaha - ismak - ismik - ismyname - his name - her name - your name (masc.) - your name (fem.) -my name
لاlaa, la2, la22ano!
موجودmawgoodpresent; here
مسافرmsaafirtravelled; (gone) on a journey
ستsittlady; grandmother
طيعنTab3anof course
طالبTaalibstudent (masc.)
طالبةTaalibastudent (fem.)
ياya(used before someone's name when calling them)

Can you translate the conversation? Answers below.

What's your name?

A: Dialogue between Samy, Hassan, Maha and Samya

Samy: My name is Samy, and what's your name?
Hassan: My name is Hassan, and what's your name?
Maha: My name is Maha
Samy: And your name is also Maha?
Samya: No, my name is Samya

B: Dialogue between Samy and Maha

Samy: Who's is that, Maha?
Maha: It's a student
Samy: What's his name?
Maha: His name is Hassan
Samy: And who is that, Maha?
Maha: It's a student
Samy: And what's her name?
Maha: Her name is Samya

What are you?

C: Dialogue between Maha and Samya

Maha: Is Samy a student, Samya?
Samya: No, he's a teacher
Maha: And her, is she a student?
Samya: Yes, she's a student
Maha: Is Hassan also a teacher?
Samya: No, he's not a teacher, he's a student

Is He Here?

D: Dialogue between Samy and Samya

Samy: Who's that, Samya?
Samya: It's my son, Samir.
Samy: And who's that?
Samya: It's my daughter, Mirvat.
Samy: Is your husband Ahmed here?
Samya: No, he's not here, he's travelled to Alexandria

Lesson Adapted from Kullu Tamaam textbook. You can buy it here.